Monday 31 January 2011

Men are from Mars...

Less is definitely more when it comes to dating. From recent personal experiences I've come to the conclusion that ignoring a guy for a few days really does them a world of good. It's sooo annoying though, isn't it!? Why would you want to not speak to the person you really like for days on end? It's like torturing yourself. But it has to be done, I've found.
After finishing with my ex around two years ago, when I was almost 18... I think (my memory has never been good!). And after him constantly picking an argument with me, breaking up, me crying my eyes out and then taking him back together for another week just for the cycle to continue, I have now found that, seeing as I don't love him anymore and could never see us getting back together AT ALL, he wants me back! and "loves me more than anything, ever..." and is moaning about how I "was the best thing that ever happened to him..." Blurgh. How funny though? Tables have turned eh, Ex?
As well as this dramatic and desperate episode (on his behalf, obviously), I also found that after breaking it off with another ex-of-sorts, a guy I was dating briefly from Essex, which ended due to the million miles between us, (okay, about 250 miles really), and me being very nonchalant about the whole 'breaking off' thing, I woke up to a text from him the other day after nearly two months! Hmm... Pattern emerging?
My friend Brittney was dating this lad, a total knob from my point of view, but then love is blind (not that she was in love with him)! But after he messed her around for months and she finally called time on whatever it was they had, they attempted to be friends and Brit asked his opinion on certain tricky guy situations she was in. This bastard had the cheek to tell her to do exactly what he had done to her: play hard to get. He would arrange dates with Brittney, plan to meet her at a certain time, in a certain place and then an hour before they would be planning to go, he would call and cancel, making some lame excuse about family problems, something she couldn't pull him up on. But it worked, it made her like him ten times more than he was worth! What a twisted way at looking on starting a relationship.
But it's true what they say, the heart does work in mysterious ways.
Me and Brit now have a pact: play it cool, act like a bitch and the men just fall at your feet! It's so strange... but then, men are from Mars. <3 xxxx

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