Thursday 3 February 2011

Women are from Venus...

Okay, so after me and my friends discussed the whole 'Do I play hard to get?' debate, I've decided to include the other way to look at relationships, which, to be honest, I believed in until recently. My friends Louise and Samantha were arguing that it would be stupid to start the relationship on lies, if you really like the guy. Why be something you're not? Why torture yourself by not texting him when you really realllly want to? Because it's not like you're going to text him fifty times a day. I mean, if you are then, er... I don't know how to tell you this but, I think you should back off and consider why on Earth you think this man is worth so much of your attention when he isn't returning it!? Unless, of course, by some jammy reason you've managed to bag Jake Gylenhaal's number, then I excuse you (and also ask you to send me it IMMEDIATELY). But if this guy's just your average, likeable fella then I'm starting to think that it would be better to be yourself from the outset. Leave all the game playing to those who thrive in drama. I'm starting to think a simple, honest relationship would be preferable.
But then I say that and consider Case in point 2: Ex number two.
This one was the nicest person ever. Ever, though. And I think that was part of the problem. There was no chase! We were never on and off, no umm-ing and ahh-ing, nothing. It was simply a relationship and it was good for a while, but not engaging, not enough to keep me interested it seemed. God, I sound like such a hypocrite but it seems that we women need something in between. We are the fussy sex aren't we. So it seems that the perfect relationship would go something like this:
1. Meet, get to know each other. Fathom out if this one's for keeps.
2. When you do speak to him be yourself, be honest when telling him about your life.
3. Then somehow form some sort of chase, some obstacle for the two of you to get around. (Ideally something not so serious, like playing it hard to get for example- blanking a few texts, etc.) 
4. He likes you, you like him. You both realise what it would be like without one another as you've had that chase, so you cherish each other more.
5. Voila!- good relationship.

Hmmm.. somehow I doubt that's how it goes for the majority of us. We want something complicated, yet simple. Someone who's honest, but plays games.
How the hell is that ever going to happen!? We ladies are strange, but then...Women are from Venus... <3 xxxx

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog!! I can so relate to you and your friends!! Your friends Louise and Samantha are definitely right not to start a relationship on lies! And you are very true in saying there has to be a bit of chase to keep it exciting and not to come across so keen! I love your blogs keep them coming!! <3 xxxxxx
