Tuesday 25 January 2011

Hello Blogging...

After attempting to write something or anything by writing and re-writing the beginning of a fictional story for the best part of 2 months, I've now moved my writing interest to blogging.
Me and my friends always say our lives could be a film- not because they're so perfect, but because they're so messed up! So, I've decided to document the most interesting things we get up to, and hope it will entertain you as much as it does us (usually as we reflect on it when we're still semi-drunk the morning after a big, cheap, student night out).  
I'm currently studying for an English Literature degree, in my first year. Yes- that makes me 19... So, my views and opinions may not be the most sophisticated and original, my writing style or form may not be perfect. I'm not here to be perfect, (God knows I''m far from it) just to get some practice on my writing and hopefully find my comfort zone- that would be a gift in itself.
I'm going to write about everything and anything. From fashions (students come up with some really original looks), to tv, movies and music, to celebrities, to my love life (that should get interesting...!) I'll include everything that I love, and love to hate.
So, after a lengthy introduction which I'm sure isn't the norm for blogging, (but, what the hell, I'm new here!) I'll begin with my first proper post...Wish me luck!! <3 xxx

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