Monday 31 January 2011

Taking Risks...

Recently realised that I need to take more risks in life. I don't mean bungee jumping off the top of my 25-floor high student accommodation, or tightrope walking in 6-inch Jimmy Choos, just small, comfortable risks... and there you go.. see! I can't even take a risk when talking about taking a risk! God, I need a therapist...
New Look £10
I think my problem is caring too much about what people think of me. I always have done. Well, since maybe I was about 9, when you haven't entered secondary education yet and therefore have no concept that, however much we try to deny it, we live in a conformist society, and those who are explicitly different are criticised. Okay, getting deep here... But yeah, I mean I went shopping with my friend Karen the other day and I bought a beige trilby. You know, the 'heritage' (or country girl, equestrian) look is rather in this spring. At the time I was wearing my Dad's 30 year old wax Barbour jacket (accessorized with a studded black and gold belt bringing it together at the waist), a black and gold jumper dress, opaque tights and over the knee flat black boots, so, yep, the trilby would have matched my outfit! Karen said to me "why don't you put it on? It goes with your look!", but nooo, I was too scared! Too afraid to stand out by wearing a frigging trilby for God's sake! I seriously am not quite sure what the hell is wrong with me but I VOW before God- well, as I'm not actually religious, lets say some form of Fashion God- that that trilby will be worn on my head, OUT IN PUBLIC, before the month is out. First 'risk' accomplished. <3 xxxx

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